Jubilee Jobs

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Employment Assistance
~Free services include
~~Resume Preparation
~~Online Application Support
~~Interviews with Hiring Employers
~~Community Connections & Service Opportunities
~~Long-Term Goal Setting
~~Career & Educational Guidance
~~Mentoring, Entrepreneurship, & Internships
~ “In addition to providing job preparation and placement, we offer up to two years of continuing support to applicants. We are very proud to have a current 78% retention rate of employees hired. We are open to all individuals over 18 years of age.”
~The Emerging Leaders Program is committed to “help every young adult find appropriate work, passion for the future and the tools, education, and relationships for their dreams to become reality.”
~The Emerging Leaders program provides professional, compassionate job preparation, job placement, and job retention services, supports applicants throughout their discovery process to define a career goals and actionable next steps, encourages participants to further their education by obtaining either GED, Associate’s degree, Bachelor’s degree or certification from a vocational school, and connects Emerging Leaders with the access to resources (i.e. scholarships, connections, jobs) to further personal and professional growth.
~For more information about the Emerging Leaders Program, contact DeSean Lawson at [email protected] or (202) 667-8970.
~If you are seeking help in finding employment through their job placement program, you must attend orientation.
~For information about the next orientation, please contact Beverly Jones, the Front Office Receptionist, NW Washington, DC Office, at [email protected] or 202-667-8970


Email: [email protected]

2712 Ontario Road NW, Washington DC, 20009.
(202) 667-8970

2419 Minnesota Ave SE Washington DC, 20020.
(202) 758-3710

Last updated: 08.09.19

Region |Northwest|Southeast|Ward 1|Ward 8|Washington DC

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