You’ll laugh at how I got the COVID-19 shot

COVID-19 vaccine

Photo courtesy of Wikimedia Commons

Well, I was able to get the first dose of the vaccine. I arrived on time to my appointment and sat patiently for the pharmacist to arrive in the room and administer the shot to me. As she entered, I became a nervous wreck. You see, when I saw pictures of people’s arms being shot with the COVID-19 vaccine, it appeared to be a  five-inch-plus needle! Knowing I was about to be stuck with this giant needle in my skin, I thought my head would fall off or my arm would fall off from some side effect. But she just sat on my left side, opened up the alcohol swab to rub on my left arm, and said, “Here we go.” 

Dear reader, I didn’t go quietly. Crying, screaming, and hollering, I was like a big fat baby with no self-composure at all. Thirty minutes later, I was still crazy out of my mind reacting to my fears. The pharmacist came back to me in the room to say the COVID-19 shot only took about 5 seconds. “It’s been over,” she said. 

I felt foolish and even had to laugh at myself. When she said a second shot would have to be administered, there I went again crying, screaming, hollering. “Please, Miss Q,” she said to me. “It will be the same way and the same five seconds.” 

So I left dancing with bells and whistles. Because that shot wasn’t bad at all. I can sure repeat it. Please everyone, take the COVID-19 shot for your and everyone else’s health and safety.

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