What does writer’s group mean to me?

Photo of a clock at 10:10 sitting on a background of a newspaper.

Photo courtesy of Ales Krivec on Unsplash

What does writer’s group mean to me?

Writers group has come to be, an excellent outlet for my therapy

“Each one, teach one” was so selfish, son!

“Each one, teach two, how we do this boo?”

“Each one teach the whole crew, “how do we do this boo?”

Tomorrow’s not promised

Nor is your next hour,

This boy took my tooth but calls me a liar, a thief, a cheat, someone who is not me

He slanders my character with no conspiracy

Life does not matter

He has really hurt me,

The police zoomed up and asked me if I called the cops, I looked at her and shook my head no and walked away with bloody knots.

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