When greed wins, workers lose

A picture of a wooden hous sitting in a field of grass.

Image via Pixabay.

This article was featured in the April 1 digital-only edition of Street Sense. Until it is safe to resume person-to-person sales, you’ll always be able to find the current digital-only edition at streetsensemedia.org/Digital. Thank you for reading! Please continue to support our vendors through our mobile app (streetsensemedia.org/App).

Why is housing out of reach for millions of American workers? One word: Greed.

Corporate America wants to make all the money but not pay its workers living wages. CEOs continue making obscene salaries and bonuses but refuse to share any of that largess with their workers. Why can a CEO make tens of millions a year yet pay his workers $8 per hour? A one-bedroom apartment in the District can cost as much as $3,000 a month. No minimum-wage worker can afford that. And why not? 

Greed. Pure, unadulterated greed. 

Now, what happens in our system of greed with the country shut down? 

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