Two Men on a Corner

A pile of newspapers.

Photo courtesy of AbsolutVision/

Two men stand on a corner.  
One a beggar, the other a worker,  
One with a cup in and, the other with copies of Street Sense.  
Passerby look, and shake their heads.  
They might give coins or a bill to the beggar, 
But while the other works, calling out 
“Street Sense, Street Sense. Support the homeless,” 
they pass him on by.  
Why, may I ask, do you give to the beggar? 
And then complain about the homeless, asking for handouts.  
Yet you do not support the working Street Sense man.  
Two men on a corner, who will you support,  
The worker or the beggar? 
So I ask again: 
Who will you support, the workingman or the beggar man? 
Two men on a corner, who will it be? 
As you the passerby go to and fro, from home to work, from work to  
There stand the workingman and the beggar man,  
Who will you support? 
One with the cup in hand, a beggar,  
The other a worker, with Street Sense in hand.  
Street Sense, Street Sense, one dollar, one dollar, pick it up right here.” 
Two men on a corner 
Beggar and worker 
As you pass us by, think: 
Who will you support? 

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We believe ending homelessness begins with listening to the stories of those who have experienced it.
