True peace on Earth

Clipart of the Earth with people holding hands.

Republicans, Democrats, Independents, liberals, conservatives, neo-cons, centrists, socialists, nationalists, communists, technocrats. The list goes on and on. I could likely fill this whole page with labels. 

As for me, I am a child of Jehovah, God. We are all his children, first and foremost. It is only when we begin to take in knowledge that some of us decide to label ourselves as members of certain political and national groups. 

Therein lies an opening, dividing people amongst themselves. This is the work of the devil: divide and devour.   

If we stop practicing love of neighbor, manners, respect for one another, common courtesy and just plain decency, then we are no better than those who incite riots and violence and promote war. 

The events around the world attest that there are no perfect governments. France, Israel, Syria, Ukraine, Saudi Arabia, Great Britain, the United States and other countries all have their numerous problems. 

There will only be peace on Earth when we all realize we are not labels, but children of God. A perfect government is on the way: God’s kingdom! 

I would like to thank all my customers, customers-to-be, and non-customers for your support this past year. May you have a better coming year. 

James Davis is an artist and vendor with Street Sense Media 

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