Trees Afire

the crabapple trees

are on fire

with bristling flames

of rich orange

and deep red.

in stately ranks they’ve lined these placid streets

for thirty autumns,

growing, inch by inch

along with

thirty years of children

clambering among their branches,

their firm tart fruit,

used as missiles

in a generation

of juvenile wars.

today i stalk these streets

as a stranger;

wary eyes

peer through parted curtains

along my path.

each window a distorting mirror;

my reflection

shows a child

rolling through heaps of fallen flame.

the din of childish laughter

reverberates across thirty autumns;

the children of this season

stare in wonder

at the long-haired stranger;

the child

of twenty autumns ago

lived in a world of peace & comfort.

these suburban hills

ripple into the distance


in a cascade of shimmering


their timeless bulk

once surveyed

the soft pure world

of the boy

i see in windows;

today, they stand as silent sentinels,

keeping a dark stranger

under leery surveillance.

my walk ends

at a strong oak door


with a holiday adornment:

a horn of plenty.

and as I softly tap for entry

i realize

this is not my home.

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We believe ending homelessness begins with listening to the stories of those who have experienced it.
