The Monkey and the Dolphin

An illustration of a monkey riding a dolphin.

Barbara Pollard

The Monkey would sit on the beach and admire the majesty of the ocean. But she was afraid to learn how to swim. She wondered what it would be like to live in the ocean, like the dolphin she saw swimming and jumping through the water.

The Dolphin saw the Monkey watching, swam into the shallow water and asked “why are you sitting on the beach watching me?”

“I just wonder what it feels like to be able to swim?” said the Monkey.

“That’s normal!” said the Dolphin. “After all, I would love to kick back on the beach like you.”

With love for the Monkey, the Dolphin invited her for a ride on its back. ‘You can trust me the dolphin said. “After all, we’re both mammals.”

“We goin’ in the ocean, so you can get the view of the beach that I see,” the Dolphin said.

The Dolphin took the Monkey out and said “Your’re going to learn how to swim. I’m going to dive down and rise below you. Just float there and paddle your arms while you lay above me. I got you, I’m going to stay right below you.”

The Monkey trusted the Dolphin and decided to go for a nice long ride.

The Monkey paddles and paddles, getting excited as they go farther out into the ocean. She turns to look back and see the view of the beach the dolphin had described. It’s stunning. But hold up, there’s the dolphin halfway back to the beach! The Monkey realized that she was swimming on her own. The Dolphin protected the Monkey as they swam safely back to shore, side-by-side, smiling.

Both mammals had overcome their differences and grown to appreciate each other’s similarities.

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