The House of Tantalos

Small oures, small morsels,

Dovwer the poisoun, my love,


Waelde teu hes

gyfts vor teres’,


seied.”  sotto voce  mezza voiz



Haf an idyll so youu thynck some voices

unnamed assume and spil owtt thr strang word.

That son af The House of Tantalos be head. Recurring

similarity wer whyle hysteron proteron

oght to allow thet shadowy time toward

himselph an the breþer servend himm (ov whom no thing or

thr moment is writ except what es conflicts in brothers).

Theystes is corsying his brothir annd reffers to hym

sum ‘my love’, then he re-lives ech word say’d

whyl hes oghne cild beth served. I lawȝh harder þan wit

to find us entend, in smal ours, to warm up

this meal o’ Thyestes dressing, conjuering his brother.



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