The bomb dot com

Photo of two tents and a bicycle near Union Station

Olivia Richter

Here I go again
Writing from the heart
Of a phenomenal village

Not knowing that Street Sense would be
The opportunistic deliverage 
Coming from a soul that was held captive 
In bondage 
Hiding from fears of experience, made realistic  
Through my family at Street Sense 
I can not only make cents 
But it allows my homeless people to pay homage 
And forever that our city needs to, please,
stop getting rid of our encampments  
’Cause housing is definitely an equal right 
How can you sleep in your mansion  
while you know we homeless at night? 
So from here is a start 
Just like Street Sense,
you should have a heart 

information about New Signature, a Washington DC tech solutions and consulting firm


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We believe ending homelessness begins with listening to the stories of those who have experienced it.
