Techniques for Winning Sales

Adams Morgan at sunset

Photo of Adams Morgan in Washington, DC. Courtesy of Anne Roth via Flickr

Some of the qualities I’ve learned from selling newspapers were from trial and error and from actively talking to customers. I have encountered every possible condition. I believe I can share some things to help people become better sellers and entrepreneurs.  

Be original. To be a winner, you have to stand out amongst the others. When I first sold newspapers my sales were second-rate. I started learning how to market and wearing nice clothes, and my pitch became different from the other vendors. I created a style that was recognizable to my customers, and my sales took off.  

Display your merchandise. Sales is 3% skill and it takes a lot of luck. But great salespeople don’t wing it or con people.  

They find a feature or focus to sell their merchandise. They get their customers enthused about the product they sell. When I sell papers I find something to show people, like my article or poetry – something to promote my product.  

Sales are a little bit of showbiz so entertain your customers with thrills and suspense. I see many vendors who stand like a statue and don’t tell the customers about Street Sense. Get people involved to be a winning salesman.  

Small-ball your goals. Little things will lead to big things. And to get good at anything you need to learn and improve.  

When I sell papers I never have an exact amount, I just go one sale at a time. I set small goals like 10 sales an hour, and to get there, I will talk to 30 people. Practice and small goals will help you achieve big goals.  

It’s not the product, it’s the person that’s selling it. When I train new vendors and they talk about corners I often tell them it’s not the corner or spot that makes the money, it’s the person in the spot. A good salesman has charisma or that something that makes people want to buy.  

You have to be original and creative especially selling newspapers. So don’t be a copycat; show the people you are unique and the customers will be lined up for your products.  

Sales is a business. We don’t panhandle – we are businesspeople. When we buy papers from Street Sense and don’t sell them to customers, we take a loss. You should track your sales, save your money and look for opportunities.  

Street Sense is a business opportunity but in order to grow you have to be a sharp businessman and look for areas to expand.  

I am always asking customers good locations, and studying Google maps for new business. Make your name noticed, make business cards, market your product, and you will always be a winner in sales.  

Adjust the odds in your favor. My last secret to winning sales is a winning attitude.  

Winners know how to get the edge; they read the rules and “how-to” manuals, and look for an advantage. They also know how to charm people.  

The winner loses just as much as the other guy, but they know how to tilt the borderline buyer into saying “yes.” In sales, even a winner will fail 90% of the time. So to have a big sale, or regular sales, you need to service the 10% who buy from you.  

Learn that trait and you will always have a rewarding life in sales.  

Jeffery is one of Street Sense’s top vendors and hails from New Jersey. 

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