

Finally, the spring’s ending into summer’s beginning. The beautiful flowers to pretty skies, the moon drifts women with gorgeous eyes. Swimtrunks to camping dreams, like walks in the night with raccoon red dye splattered through the woods. Like devil’s hell or rock and roll like heavy metal or ZZ Top’s first album “Stroll”.
To Madonna’s “Like a Virgin”, and Bon Jovi’s “Livin’ on Prayer” to “Boys Before Men”. At the end of the road, from Slayer to Da Devil’s Lair.
As the heat like fiery flame develops into a fierce but wicked game! Cuts, cheats, scandals and weeps, affiliation, and standings to A+=97.7 graduating students. With all the hopes in the world the equivalating opportunity given to all boys and girls.
No more trends that blend conversations that create the real definitions for friends. No styles for the child robbed of his respect, dignity, honor, and most important, identity, now removed from me! Only retrieved like abrasions, cuts, slits, and injections of bacterial disease in forms of conversations but not conversing with me!
Ups and downs, smiles and frowns, crazy but sane, yet labeled crazily insane! Still thoughts of victories, acceptances of losses, but yet still full of gain. But the strain of the day but the relaxation of the night.

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We believe ending homelessness begins with listening to the stories of those who have experienced it.
