Little Glass Rectangle

Illustration of a stick figure attached to a cell phone by strings. The cell phone is above the figure, like a marionette.

Wi-Fi strings and 4G Geppetto moves. Illustration by Reginald Black // Artist/Vendor

The little glass rectangle 
controls our day 
We sometimes check our phone 
before we even pray 

The little glass rectangle 
controls our mood 
We get full of Instagram 
before we get full on food 

The little glass rectangle 
makes us silently vicious to no end 
So easy on Facebook to unfriend 

The little glass rectangle 
controls our fate 
Don’t believe me? 
Just keep texting on your date 

The little glass rectangle 
will cloud your world 
and invade your space 
Warning! Erase, erase, erase! 

You may also like Jame’s poem “Twitterbug.”

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