Selections from the Poetry of Paul Laurence Dunbar

End of rainbow

GD Taber/Flickr

Long I dwelt in this domain,
Knew no sorrow, grief, or pain;
Now you bid me forth and free,
Will you shut these gates on me?

“The Place Where the
Rainbow Ends”

Oh, many have sought it,
And all would have bought it,
With the blood we so recklessly spend;
But none has uncovered,
The gold, nor discovered
The spot at the rainbow’s end.
They have sought it in battle,
And e’en where the rattle
Of dice with man’s blasphemy blends;
But howe’er persuasive,
It still proves evasive,
This place where the rainbow ends.

“A Warrior’s Prayer”
When foes upon me press, let me not quail
Nor think to turn me into coward flight.
I only ask, to make mine arms prevail,
Strength for the fight!

“A Poem of Faith”
I think that though the clouds be dark,
That though the waves dash o’er the bark,
Yet after while the light will come,
And in calm waters safe at home
The bark will anchor.

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