Problem as Human Beings

the mind

Our problem as human beings is that we do not create knowledge from the information we have. Our hearts blindly follow and we become victims of mass addictions. If everyone is ill, who will know better? The only cure for this illness is the truth; because there are always two sides to a story. Don’t follow blindly. Allow the information you have to develop into knowledge because knowledge brings wisdom and wisdom brings love and compassion to all things.

My favorite question is “why? ” “Why?” is like a straight line. It just keeps going and eventually the truth will smack you dead in the face. The truth about anything. Why are we so distracted from asking our hearts this simple three letter word: “Why?” We as human beings are being tricked, tricked by not knowing the difference between information and knowledge. Information is stored in the brain but knowledge is stored in the heart. It is important to know the difference.

Without knowledge we are like robots: all brain, no heart. Knowledge takes critical thinking, a distillation of the information that is stored in the brain, something like the body drawing its nourishment from the vitamins and minerals in food. If we don’t know how to extract knowledge from information then the heart can never be nourished and it will surely die. A dead heart lacks compassion for anything but its own addictions.

We do not even comprehend the magnitude of the way we feel towards each other. It’s all simple common sense. But who’s behind this problem? The white man? The black man? Satan? No human being is exempt from the promise of being led astray. Now ask yourself: how you are being tricked today?

I’ll tell you how I’ve been tricked. I look and listen 24 hours a day to the way television and radio depict me as a criminal, a savage, a bum, a drug dealer, and a pimp.

I see how a man is only judged by his material possessions. And if we judge each other by our material things, then ask yourself, black woman or black man, who has all the material things?

How does this affect the way we move through the world and how we feel about it?

Here is an example: I am a young black man. Recently I was walking down the street and there was an
older black woman, maybe 55 or 60 years old, getting out of her car. A white woman was walking about three feet ahead of me and when the white woman walked past, the woman getting out of her car gave her the biggest brightest smile. When I walked past she gave me the most evil look and didn’t say anything.

Then just yesterday I was walking on Massachusetts Avenue and another older black woman in her mid-forties was walking a little white toy poodle in front of me and then she looked back and saw that I was a young black man and she stopped so that I could get in front of her. So when she got behind me I said jokingly but seriously, “are you trying to rob me?” She didn’t catch on right away but eventually she had to laugh it off. This is madness.

You have black women clutching their purses when a young black man walks past or any black man with
jeans on. This is also madness.

We are building a world in Satan’s image; a world with all his character traits, glorifying and
praising him.

I refuse to be tricked anymore.

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