Points of Light

Sunset in the background, silhouette of two people joining hands with the word "hope" in the middle

Photo courtesy of Gerd Altmann / pixabay.com

This article was featured in the June 24 digital-only edition of Street Sense. Until it is safe to resume person-to-person sales, you’ll always be able to find the current digital-only edition at streetsensemedia.org/Digital Thank you for reading! Please continue to support our vendors through our mobile app (streetsensemedia.org/App).


  1. Keep Hope Alive!!! 

Coronavirus can’t kill that.

  1. Live, laugh, love!!!

This we still must do…

  1. “Eat, Drink and be Merry”

It’s been stressful, but we all tried!

  1. I’m laughing because

I’m sick of crying.


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