Oh, Valentine’s Day

liz west/Flickr

Oh, Valentine’s Day 

The day filled with lacy cards, 

Heart-shaped candy 

And big bouquets of flowers. 


Oh, Valentine’s Day 

As only we can celebrate it, 

Filled with moments 

That are magical, 

That are ours to share. 


The grand essentials to happiness 

In this life are the key components 

Love, Live and Love again 

There is always something to do in life 

Always something to love in life 

And always something to hope in life 


Keep in mind that love is important 

It can be given like a gift 

Of one’s innermost soul to another 

So both souls can be joined as a whole 


Oh, Valentine’s Day 

We’ve been waiting for you, 

And wondering when you would arrive 


Waiting for the tons of chocolate, sweets, roses 

And so much more 

So, today, as valentines go out 

To people near and far 

This one I’m sending right to you, 

To say how nice you are 

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