My Therapist, Pt 1: Mental Health

An illustration showing a figure in a tornado.

Illustration by Charles Armstrong

My therapist asked me,  

“Ron, how are you feeling?”   

I said, “I feel like a villain,  

“I feel like shooting and killlin’.”  


My therapist asked me,  

“Ron, why are you mad?”  

I told him, “I am not mad,  

“I just been feeling so sad.”   


My therapist asked me,   

“Ron, who do you love?”  

I said, “Everybody that I love,  

they end up dead or on drugs.”  


My therapist asked me,  

“Ron, do you need a pill?”  

I told him, “I tired being broke,  

I need me a deal.”   


My therapist asked me,  

“Ron, why don t you get a real job?  

And that’s when I snapped,   

smacked my therapist hard.   


Dear Mr. Therapist   

you supposed to be a man   

Well, let me slap the s*** out you   

to make you understand.   


Now, Mr. Therapist,  

I gotta question for you:   

My life or your life?   

Which one would you choose?   


Just like I thought  

just like I said   

Now my own therapist   

wish I was dead.   


My new therapist asked me,  

“Ron, are you going crazy?”   

Wouldn’t you go crazy   

if your wife just aborted your baby?   


My new therapist asked me,  

“Ron, are you suicidal?”  

I took my hands off the front   

and took my gun out my Bible.   


My new therapist asked me,  

“Ron, what is your problem?”   

I told her, “Eve keep comin’ around,  

she’s a snake in the garden.”   


My new therapist asked me,   

“Ron, do you hold a grudge?”   

I can’t believe my baby mama   

sat and lied to the judge.   


My new therapist asked me,  

“Ron, if you had a choice,   

would you choose therapy,   

or would you listen to that voice?”   


I asked my new therapist this,   

“If a demon tried to kiss you,  

would give it a kiss? 

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