Mother Edith May Memorial Days

Photo of live, multicolored flowers

Photo by Lo Sarno on Unsplash

Robert Warren

May brings a seed, the bloom of a mother’s love for a child. May’s memorial days of flowers, of love for grandmothers soldiering on to another bloom of life – my mother Edith, grandmother will we remember these days of May? Yes, May is for fathers, sons, and daughters too. For a mother’s love, mother’s days of memorial days, we think of those who would serve with love of us. With God’s blessing of flowers of May mother’s memorial days and May flowers, only May can bloom, yes May, we love mothers Edith, Earth bloom of May memorial days to those who would serve with love of God and country. May they find peace in that bloom of life when every day may be a May day.  


Robert is a vendor and advocate. Contact: [email protected].

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