May is May

Photo of a field of spring tulips

Image by shannynkm from Pixabay

May is May, something that will always be, 

May’s the month of new beginnings- 

May days are filled with new beginnings, 

The untimely just about to be, the newly begotten, 

The begotten beginners, newly coming to its end. 

Within time and space when the earth unfolds, 

The unseen and seen alignments 

Of planets far and be-on mysteries, 

Its wonders here and 

there, moreover far and be-on. 

The never-ending beginnings, 

Life renewed, 

Renewals beginning to come to its end, 

The old. 

The forever-so-endless cycles 

Of evolution at its best, 

The untimeliness of never-ending time, 

The never-ending cycle of May flowers, 

Non-stop sun-filled days with hot hot heat, 

Smothered with May showers, 

The balance, 

New beginnings within the cycle. 

The endless cycles within the month 

of May, will always be May. 

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