It is HARD to Get a Job

When you are older than 60, people assume you are too old to function. They might think you are sick or feeble or you can’t keep up just because of your age. For those of us looking for work, our ultimate obstacle is employers thinking we might die, which would force the company to find a new employee.

But that thinking is wrong. Older workers are more dependable and loyal. They arrive on time and are dedicated to their work. They also have financial obligations, such as a mortgage, that younger workers might not have. They are more committed to the job because they are scared they might not get another one.

Some people take advantage of older workers needing their job. These unscrupulous employers give the workers extra work and ask them to perform tasks they would not ask of a younger employee. These employers want older workers to work more hours because they know the workers constantly worry they cannot keep pace with younger ones.

In this day and age many older workers are being forced to come out of retirement because of the rising cost of living, children returning to live with them, and rapidly changing technology. They are trying hard to keep up.

Sometimes older workers are the last hired and the first fired. But they still have to live! Social Security covers only a small portion of living expenses. Then, if one becomes ill, Medicare covers only part of health care costs. Just think how you would feel if you had worked all your life, then found out you couldn’t retire–because if you do, you won’t be able to afford enough to eat.
So, employers, take a good, long look at older workers. They are loyal, experienced and excellent. Give them the chance they deserve!

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