
Public Domain Pictures

In a city called Isotopia
lived a race of people
with no care in their souls

Faces of hatred
their spirits ice cold

In a world ruled by
his or hers, mines
all mines alone

No love for donation,
lifeless worried bones

Love don’t support this race people
which leaves no balance
no hold

Number one rule
fend for your own

In a world called Isotopia

With little warmth of care
little light shown
The sky cries
the wind whispers sad songs

Swollen feet from long walks of hope
many hopeless nights of something
nightmares of becoming nothing

Screams and broken dreams
happy faces tell lies
look deep into those smiles
they’re really frowns

I have faith
that’s why my feet are swollen
but firmly planted down

That’s my light!
it lights the whole town

In a city called Isotopia

No sunshine bursting light
no gold at the end of this rainbow
just old visions of the past (you know)
those shouldn’t and should haves

Street metals of no value
war stories that cost everything

In a city called Isotopia

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We believe ending homelessness begins with listening to the stories of those who have experienced it.
