
By Jessie Eastland [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], from Wikimedia Commons

The state or quality of being free from control, influence, aid of the likes of our competency.  

The city west of Missouri.  

The starting point of fairness and omnipresent trails.  

The town southeast of here.  

The state and quality of every being.  

The city where many need kindness, compassion.  

The starting point for the security of futures.  

Offering all colorful tales.  

The beginning of solutions for tragedies.  

Used by moving forward, toward a state or quality of being free.  

The aid and influence of control, no longer a competency.  

Starting with needs, kindness, compassion, securing all points to offer community.  

Begin to solve for troubles.  

Use the state, and quality, of being free.  

The aid and influence out of control.  

The competency we make for ourselves.  

Own the trail of kindness for somebody’s children.  

State your quality, influence, aid, control being like the free. 

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We believe ending homelessness begins with listening to the stories of those who have experienced it.
