God’s Love

Clouds in the sky


Love is the solution to virtually every problem. Many of our human disturbances show evidence of a lack of love. When love is brought to bear upon a problem we soon discover the solution. If we find ourselves fearful or hostile toward another person or situation we turn to the supreme love of God that knows no defeat. If we feel sick or tired, frustrated or concerned, try to let love fill your mind, body, and soul. With Love there can be no place for disease to linger. The swift flowing current of God’s healing love purifies our body, mind, and affairs. Trouble cannot prevail against the power of divine love. When solving a problem seems too difficult, challenging, and just impossible, try God’s love; you’ll be happy you did. 1 Corinthians 16:14 says let all that you do be done in love.

Thank you and God bless you all.

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