Freedoms Chained, Peace Within

Silhouette of hands breaking cuffs

Photo courtesy of Tumisu /

In freedom unchained, We do not stand alone

In the place of someone else’s normal

Shadowing the unknown one, 

In front of eyes’ clouded view,

Stepping on the unexpected

Foretold comings of an overly heated earth, 

That knew and knew not what was known, or to be known.

So weary of the fear of the why and how, it arrived here.

The who, whom, what, and when 

Lied to in wait for the unveiled mystery hidden within;

And was more afraid of illogical reasoning 

Of accepting guidance, trust, faith, comfort, and 

Camaraderie mesmerized by oppressive horror;  

In the wanton hope of the contained cup of freedom 

Grasping with the drum of wisdom’s power of over time, 

Way above the iron age, left before bondage begun.

And the risk to steal away; 

Without the breath of unrhythmic air 

Daring to stoke the fire of brave escape and survival.

Waiting for the wind storm’s compassionate break 

Of non-condemnation to crest calmly on the deep waters 

Shoring quietly inland unseen 

Like feathers in the wind, letting go…

Embracing  all, as uniquely no different…

Daring the lie, not to tell the truth.

Expecting just one soul, anew 

Outside of the man-made orbital sphere 

Stuck on footed earth afire, 

To awaken humankind’s universe 

And then, lie abed in the trust of peace, 

To opine within, while the rest ponder yet still, 

An unwanted mystery; the bent behavior of  human bondage 

Beyond abandoned bags of gold, cheap labor, and control 

Through court house carceral prison pens, 

Or maybe not.

The chances of the unknown are still to be found, 

One by one shared together as one….

No difference by color or origin of skin.

Just human, never to be chained again

Free is the air and the heartbeat within.

All of these anatomical rivers bleed red. 

There is no difference … except the song chanted words 

Of peace, love and forgiveness within.

The past is gone and the coveted erasure of pain, 

Hatred and chagrin is woefully thin.

The sorrow is waiting for a new candle of love, 

Since the quantum physics of time travel 

Adversely can yet undo what cannot be undone.

The thought without malice is for unconditional peace

Such thoughtful sincere beauty, if only a thought, 

Is a kindness offered with no regrets.

The embracing of one not within 

The spinning sphere of today’s unchallenged legacy’s 

Inherited silver plated peculiar normalcy, 

Is for sure a sincere peace, 

If reciprocated with full breath 

Of one humanity, seen as one and the same.

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