For the holidays, learn to listen

A picture of the White House

Image courtesy of Flickr/Harriseye

As we approach the holidays, the last thing I want to do is write another column bashing Democrats.

This time of year, some families get into it about politics. I know from experience. I ruined many family gatherings because I refused to turn the other cheek when one of my Trump-hating relatives took a political argument into personally smearing me.

While I still attempt to share holidays with relatives, it’s becoming more burdensome because they can‘t refrain from discussing politics. I understand why they hate Donald Trump but I resent being told how to vote or being lectured about my life choices. Trump wasn’t my ideal pick but the Democrats are not the alternative. I’m not interested in surrendering my rights in exchange for free stuff. I want to work, not depend on someone else for food, clothing and shelter I’m not interested in being regulated, managed or impeached. I see real-world problems that Democrats have abandoned in their zeal to remove Trump.

I love America. I was born here, I love the flag, and I love the people regardless of our history.

Trump talked about the America I grew up in. Hillary Clinton talked about identity politics and unfortunately, Democrat has not learned anything because they are doubling down on identity politics for 2020.

I used to be a Democrat. I was an activist involved with many left-wing causes. My odyssey began way before Trump ran for president. I believe I drifted right during the Occupy protests when I discovered I’m not for radical change or revolution. I’m not against capitalism.

I saw who the Occupy protesters were. They weren’t like me. I was liberal but I served in the military. These kids came from wealthy suburbs and had everything. They weren’t for the poor and oppressed — they wanted to clash with the cops. When the dust settled the homeless, many of whom were vets, were pushed from sleeping in parks while these white kids went back home living with their parents.

During this period I began meeting conservatives. We had conversations and they would tell me how they come to their views and I would explain mine. It never descended into incivility.

I didn’t want to vote Republican, or for Donald Trump, but I didn’t recognize the left anymore. They no longer talk about the New Deal or the Great Society. They seem shy about their ideals. At least with Trump he tells you what he’s going to do.

We live in a nation where you need consensus. You need sixty Senate votes to pass any legislation so both Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are deceiving people when they promise free college and health care.

If you want things you have to work with people you dislike and make deals that are unsavory. It’s not selling out — it’s understanding how to live in a nation of 350 million.

Happy holidays. I hope for once we can listen instead of fighting.

Jeffery McNeil is an artist and vendor for Street Sense Media

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