Cyber Security

Laptop being used

Ministerio TIC Colombia - Flickr

The computer is a helpful invention. The professor at the University of Pennsylvania, who was an early developer of a computer, probably never imagined how vast the possibilities of the machine would be. On the television show “Person of Interest,” the machine’s brain is likened to that of a human one, and upon receiving certain stimuli, the machine can alert the person who programmed it, somewhat like an instant messaging chat alert.

However, the technology has certain security risks. I have used a computer that was provided for the public, and brought up another person’s social media, but without the password I was not able to enter the site. Imagine what could have happened if I had known the person and he had used a weak password like his birthdate which I could have known?

On another relatively public computer, I actually pulled up a person’s email. I needed no password. The individual, apparently, did not log off. Experts think that logging off is a good idea, but shutting down is even better.

Viruses are a problem and having security software that is reputable is important. It is recommended that pop-ups in a site, which come up automatically, should never be clicked on. Many have viruses in them. They could re-enter your site, or maybe figure out your password and change or delete your information stored there, or do something even more fraudulent like steal your identity.

Try not to put your personal information on the computer. Maybe you can submit a paper form or application if you call a contact and request to do so.

The more recommended websites use “https” instead of “http” as the entity in their domain address. It is better to use those sites since your information should be more protected.

Be careful of an administrator’s computer, used by a government or private employee who is somewhat in charge. Contact with those computers, or using them, raises the possibility of a hard drive being changed, your files being deleted, or your password being changed.

A question that often arises in some public computer labs is what happens when a computer can be temporarily shut down for public and reserved for an administrator?

While the computer helps our lives and makes many activities we used to do more simple, it should be used with prudence. Also, could this man made brain start modifying or expanding programs on its own?

The computer, like a lot of technological inventions, has had its functions and capacities extended. Apparently, you can now send a game to another computer. Both players can put on headphones that are plugged into each computer, and they can then play the game. Does this go through their email? However it is done, it is probably a good idea to pull off the headphones, unplug them and shut down the computer for a while.

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