
Flickr user mommy peace

There is beauty in the color of my skin. Dark and rich like my history. There are people like me all over the world, not just in Africa, the Caribbean and Brazil.

Black people grow in population after each war. German brown babies, brown Vietnamese children and I am sure the same goes for the Middle East.

So we grow in diversity and as we grow we have to remember the past. Not too long ago we were shunned and treated badly. When all it took was a wrong look to be punished or dead.

Sometimes diversity dilutes the past. We as a people must not forget because sometimes history repeats, like in the case of South Africa.

The slaves in the country used their all to survive. They worked, invested and struggled hard until now when we have a black president when we were once slaves.

I think it is odd that there are two types of history. Instead of black and white history, there should be world history. Have pride within to strive to keep each other and grow. Just like the Jewish and the Holocaust, the Japanese and the American peace camps and the American Indians and their struggles.

People of color must not forget there are people who hate! That doesn’t mean that we cannot rejoice in our progress. Just as there are all kinds of flowers in a garden to make it beautiful, there are all kinds of people to make the world beautiful. Putting aside politics, this world can be and is, beautiful.

There are some scientists who believe that in the future, there will be one race – Tan! One new world order, one church, one love. I don’t know if I will be here, that’s far in the future. I have no insight into what the future will be. Just like the dinosaurs are gone, so may be the races. I am not saying this to alarm anyone. I’m just saying different shades are nice. And as the tree is bent, so grow the twigs.

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