Black conservatives are the new revolutionaries

Photo of street signs with the words liberal and conservative pointing in opposite directions

Student News Daily

As a writer, there is always pressure from the powers that be that you shill, parrot and mimic. They want you to fall in line rather than critically think for yourself. I know how Clarence Thomas felt when Black progressives attacked him for the crime of having a different viewpoint. There’s always a faction of African-Americans that believe their opinions are the way and light. Because they shill for the White man, they feel you should emulate them.

What amazes me is how this Black bourgeoisie calls you the Uncle Tom when they’re the ones supporting the same system that’s failed them for 50 years. I believe the Black conservative is the true militant and radical.

The left is not interested in solving social ills; if they solved them, there would be no need for them. What they’re about is power, yet none of them is capable or qualified to govern a nation as diverse and complex as ours. When Obama ran this country, our nation fell apart. Under Trump, the checks come in the mail; tax cuts are real money, not crumbs like House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi says.

Liberal policies have also promoted bad behavior, rather than work and personal responsibility. Liberals are like the mother hen that won’t allow their chicks to grow up and be big roosters. Help is allowing people to reach their fullest potential; liberals turn people into weak-minded snowflakes.

Policing language is also indicative of leftist ideology. Political correctness is pretending that warts and pimples are not repulsive but are actually unicorns. To object to the prevailing view of the left means you will be demonized as “anti-pimple” and be called some kind of right-wing extremist for stating the obvious: They’re disgusting! In fact, the language police created Donald Trump because Americans were dying to hear someone praise America rather than apologize for it.

The left has become so ridiculous and oppressive that they’ve managed to turn right-wing commentators like Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity into voices of reason. Tucker and Hannity offer a platform to listeners where White people can talk with Blacks, women and Hispanic conservatives about Black-on-Black crime, radical Islam and illegal immigration, open and candidly. Liberals want us all to pretend that White racism and police brutality are bigger problems facing our inner cities, rather than failing schools, single mothers and Black-on-Black crime. According to the left, only White men can be racist; they ignore the hate and vitriol that come from others.

Part of power is being accountable for the choices you make both in public and private. These snowflakes are not ready to lead. You can’t want power and then be reduced to tears because men challenge your authority. In the real world, if you try to elevate off the back of me, you’ll be put in your place.

Jeffery McNeil is an artist/vendor for Street Sense Media.

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