All grown up by the new year

 Young and still too young to be mature

Do you know your history, their history 

and what it has to do with you?

Do you know?

You think it is okay? 

You say, “That’s just the way it is.” 

Well, that’s your acceptance and no one else’s!

‘Tis a shame. Just get over it.

Just, jump, release, crash and expire.

Please do not reincarnate into someone dead 

and come back to repeat mistakes unforgivably 

over and over again.  

I believe that gas is to just get away. 

That’s what’s meant to be done with energy in all forms: 

to be spent.

It has always been that way. 

I am all tight without a treaded tire to hold on to 

what once was and still is in my head. 

Too stubborn a brat to let go.

It is not me. I must still be abysmally asleep.

Wake me up when the era of the foolhardy youth 

within the soul is done and wisdom has arrived 

to save the fearlessly unthinking one’s day, 

along with the rest of the world. 

That is, if any of us grows up to be well adjusted, 

rationally thinking adults. 

One nation, indivisible, 

with social justice and economic compassion for all.

We can do it, if we just grow up.  

Folly aside, we can end homelessness 

and build accessibly affordable housing 

that is not a puffed-up, irrational, desired, 

developer-banker- Wall Street-government median statistic, 

wrapped in the paper of biased, discriminatory, 

racist and sexist anti-poverty blockades.

Wake me up now, politics aside, 

to PPE mask up, gargle, nose-spray, wash the hands, and go to work. 

Let the COVID-19 end the 2020 nightmare 

and bring in the maturity, light, and living life of 2021.

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We believe ending homelessness begins with listening to the stories of those who have experienced it.
