What if Ocho Won (The Derby)?

Drawing by Chris Shaw

Thrump, Th-rump, Thar-rump!

The Lean Little Colt

can truly work the pump

His hind parts are a mighty engine

Of the sort

Short odds players might

Scarcely imagine!

The sunglasses guy

With mop of snow

And the five-horse entry stud

Ocho Ocho migh shower

with backwash mud!

Should my choice of three Spanish eights

overpower the large field

In the Derby Race–

Five years from hence

I’ll jump off the dreamer’s fence

Cease chasing bubbles

Be free from trouble.

And if I’m able

Shall operate my own stable!!!


This poem was written and submitted the week before Derby Day. American Pharoah won the Kentucky Derby, with Ocho Ocho Ocho finishing 14th.

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