We Need Love

My name is Barron Hall. I’m 64 years old and by the grace of God I’m not stupid. I’m glad I experienced the Vietnam War era and came out alive. It took a while to get over my problems, but by the grace of God I’m in my right mind.
The War used to bring tears, but now I understand better why. We knew it was not for us to win in the first place. The US knew why they let things happen to us like it did. They got rid of the fathers and brainwashed the sons.
The United States will never win another war with weapons of mass destruction. Until we have love at home there will be no love for us anywhere else. Until we treat the poor in America the same as the rich, we won’t have peace anywhere. All people came here for is what they can’t get at home. Unless we let God be our leader again, there’ll be no peace nowhere. We need to be one nation under God. Now it’s against the law to praise God in public. The pledge of allegiance is against the law. It’s time to praise God while we still have time before it becomes against the law to pray.

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