The Tracks of an Ass



For weeks and months
He sought to Tout
a legendary steed, Well bred
If your stable mate (reputed Brother by Half);
Were Union Rags,
Would you not be daft,
To ignore the spawn of
Heroic sires of yore!
Union won the Belmont, and you dear Horse,
‘Clept “Teeth of the Dog”
Had greater promises still for More!!
Sad to say, at the approach
Of The Day at hand,
No “Teeth of the Dog”
Could be spotted in the mighty
Contestants’ Band!
The card could not yield
A “Teeth”-ed any thing in
Any of the Field,
So this harried rail bird
Thus left in a Lurch,
And must needs to Launch,
A Fresh Talent Search.
Money thus saved,
He’ll watch the parade,
Seated at a plate
Of Lobstertail and Steak!
(Not Horse Meat-of course
-during this meet.)

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