Perception or reality: Wake up!

Photo of a blindfold over the face of a statue.

Mirko Tobias Schäfer / Flickr

I saw or heard somewhere, that in order for one to realize a dream, they must first wake up.

Wake up!!! Who is up there and who is down where?

Though all are quite near why do some fear? I

f we all are together here, how absurd the usage of words they create fear, and in an effort to make them think they are free while paying an unfair wage.

What it was again, is what it is. Is it fair? How do they dare?

Because you accept the lie without even an attempt to try a recipe to ensure you fry? You might even die.

Without you around, it will be quite a different town. Will you stand or will you lay down. It’s up to you, it’s up to me.

It’s up to all of us to build trust. Perception or reality.


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