Letter to the Editor: Incorrect and Disrespectful

National Center for Transgender Equality and National Gay and Lesbian Task Force

I was dismayed to read an incorrect and disrespectful statement in an article by Vendor Jeffrey McNeil in the last edition. Mr. McNeil wrote, “Once upon a time, Democrats fought for civil rights and social justice. Today they fight for gender-neutral bathrooms and the right for men to cross dress and wear lingerie to work.”

Mr. McNeil’s scornful statement is neither based in understanding nor does it acknowledge the deep injustices that transgender people face.

A 2011 survey by the National Center for Transgender Equality and National Gay and Lesbian Task Force found that transgender individuals (trans men, trans women, and nonbinary people) experience double the rate of unemployment compared to the general population. 90 percent of respondents experienced discrimination or harassment at work. Almost half had been fired, denied a promotion, or not hired because of their gender identity. In school, 78 percent faced harassment and 35 percent physical assault.

A moment of reflection should make clear that Mr. McNeil’s inflammatory words paint a false picture of support for trans rights. Of course, trans women are expected to wear appropriate work attire rather than “lingerie”, just like any women. It is cruel to paint trans rights as being the opposite of real civil rights. Mainstream media has propagated such stereotypes for so long that I am afraid people may simply accept Mr. McNeil’s words and his scorn.

One-fifth of transgender respondents have been homeless at some point. When trying to access shelters, 34 percent of transgender women and 20 percent of transgender men were turned away at the door. One-fifth of trans people report being denied medical care because of their gender identity. One-fifth of transgender people have been denied a home or apartment, and 11 percent have been evicted because of their gender identity.

I do not suggest censorship of Mr. McNeil’s opinions, but I do suggest that truthful and compassionate information about transgender identity and rights be published to counteract the harm his statement may have done.

Respectfully and with gratitude for your work,
Sara Alexander

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