Isotopia: A place where the people care for no one but themselves

Illustration of traffic light and city

Ernie Smith

In a time of murder, mayhem and corruption, lies and deceit, there is a place where the people care for no one but themselves. No care for life nor God himself. No faith at all burns amongst
the people’s dark hearts and cold souls in an aggressive world like Isotopia.

Dirty laundry airs out: married couples are unfaithful. Heartbreak Hotel some call it. Deeper in some parts of the city people say it’s very very unsafe. (Danger) (Caution) (Death lives here.) A sign at the entrance to the city reads “Welcome. Enter at Your Own Risk: Isotopia.”

Some of the people who live here still practice the ancient laws of goodness and kindness: very caring-hearted people in a small neighborhood called “Now! Strive 77 Dr. E.”

But even that enclave loses a good soul almost every week.

“Things get really hard out here trying to keep food on the plate, bills paid and at the same time keeping your marriage clean and together. In an evil evil city called Isotopia.”

So says one citizen of Strive 77 Dr. E., one of the few remaining good and caring people. So much evil doing in this city of Isotopia, no one cares anymore for others’ well-being. (Wow)

Drug dealers, whores, prostitutes. As the world dies, God please forgive us. Thy soul is weak, now I see – I’m no longer blind, in a city called Isotopia.

One god-fearing couple tries to keep a marriage and family together by staying far away from all the madness. They speak of some golden child-like person, who is going to be born and bring love’s light back to the hearts of the people of Isotopia.

Melissa and Josh: married for seven years. Melissa has three boys from a previous marriage that went south. Then she and Josh met, married and had two girls together. That makes five children they’re raising. Josh treats Melissa’s three other kids as his own. They say he’s a great father. Josh tries hard to keep his family fed and together in a cruel city like Isotopia.

The two girls are Susan who is 16 and Sharon who is 18. Melissa’s three boys are Michael who is 17, Joseph who is 12, and Dean who is 14. Things aren’t easy for any of them: moving from school to school, getting in fights, violence in the neighborhood… the family struggles for good.

Every night at dinner, Josh says a prayer over the gathered loved ones, trying to teach old-fashioned hospitality and show his family what God does for His believers, even in a city called Isotopia. Where life is more difficult than you could ever imagine, Josh talks strongly to his boys about being a man and a leader for good. He teaches them that family is most important. Melissa says the same to the girls about being a woman, and what it takes to be a woman in a twisted city like Isotopia.

“Soon,” Melissa says, “Life of Light is going to shine rays down amid the city and cast out the darkness of evil that plagues our people in a city called Isotopia.”

(to be continued)

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