Guardian of Light

Clouds with light

Extra Medium/Flickr

The clouds open and the light descends,
The land looms, a beauty of life.
The shadows of evil lose their grip.
The sorrow turns to joy,
While the pain rushes to pleasure.
The people come forth from darkness,
That once kept them in chains.
Their eyes fixed upon the light, their hearts warm with comfort
An oh so wondrous spark even greater than the sun.
It seems to move gracefully upon the ground,
Giving life to the soil with every step.
The people stand up as the light touches them,
Bringing healing to the sick, sight to the blind,
Understanding to the confused, peace to the restless,
And love to those who hate!
No evil can stand upon the light.
A world that once laid barren and dark has now been reborn.
The souls that had once been under the chains of shadows are now free.
As one’s foot touches the soft flower, a small bright butterfly hovers up to the nose,
It sparkled and slowed. Everyone held hands and hummed softly,
As the butterfly flew to the clouds,
Leaving a trail of holy shine.

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