Bad Mouth Words

a photo of screaming mouth


He shot me with his words.
The facetious deeds followed.

I felt bad.
I felt dead.
Hung head dropped,
Not for what i did or said
But for WHAT was said.
Without discussion, detente, or peace,
Condemned by an unknown, self-ordained ranty whim,
a misled, misinformed sociopath
or maybe the INSANE.

Do not offend;
prepare and ready the time to defend.
Don’t lose your cool,
the top regulator of one’s world.
Wait to get the smiling Cheshire Cat
with truth and logic.
That’ll warm up his cool
and make him not so fast
to fire again
with the Big Bad Bully Mouth;
not a brain,
only the Primal Tool.

(Moral: If you do not have anything
nice to say, don’t say it.)

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